Haven 4'x6'

Welcome wellness poolside, lake-side, spa-side, or anywhere in your outdoor living space with a sauna. The Helo Haven outdoor sauna series features an optimized, contemporary design that maximizes interior sauna space, with an exterior facade that provides flexibility on where the sauna can be located.

The face of a 4'x6' Helo Haven sauna boasts an all-glass door and 22"x34" window, maximizing sight lines in and out of the sauna. The two-tier bench configuration creates seating options for variable temperature preferences, with a 4.5 kW Designer-SL2 heater powering the experience. Additional Helo Haven features include:

Wood Type: Western Red Cedar (exterior) and Canadian Hemlock (interior)
Lighting: In-backrest, RGBW
Backrest: 3-bar design, Hemlock
Construction: Pre-built, pre-fitted wall and ceiling panels, backrests, heater guard, and duckboard. Water resistant vinyl flooring built-in.
Accessories: Bucket and ladle
Control: SL2, with Wi-Fi
Roof: Metal roof kit

Room Dimensions: 72" W x 48" D x 90" H

Notice: exterior protective finish (owners' responsibility) highly recommended, and required for warranty protection.

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Technical specifications

Technical specifications

Sauna size (m3)
72" W x 48" D x 90" H


Helo Haven Early Release Info Sheet_revC 6-3-24_reduced